Dr Marc Condren MD 732 469-2133 Natural Approaches to Healing
Laboratory testing
Natural treatments offered
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Parkinson's info
Dietary recommendations
Supplement prescriptions
Bio-identical hormone replacement
Candida (yeast) overgrowth treatment
Heavy metal oral chelation therapy
Neurotransmitter support for general body health
Specific rehabiitation exercises for home use
Specific rehabiitation exercises for home use
Acute injuries and chronic physical/emotional stress can lead to muscle spasm and weakness in the body.  Pain can eventually develop in areas such as the lower back, shoulders, and neck due to this muscle spasm and weakness.  These problem areas require a combination of the right stretching and strengthening exercises in order to restore better function and reduce the pain.  Dr. Condren can give you specific instrucitons on how to best rehabilitate these areas.  There is specific information that can be crucial to healing that Dr. Condren is aware of that you may not get from going to physical therapy.  Regular practice of these rehabilitaion exercises at home can be extremely helpful in resolving the problem.

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