Dr Marc Condren MD 732 469-2133 Natural Approaches to Healing
Laboratory testing
Natural treatments offered
Important disease concepts
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Dietary recommendations
Supplement prescriptions
Bio-identical hormone replacement
Candida (yeast) overgrowth treatment
Heavy metal oral chelation therapy
Neurotransmitter support for general body health
Specific rehabiitation exercises for home use
Supplement prescriptions

Dr. Condren has vast experience in the effective use of supplements to promote better health.  The wide range of nutritional supplements that he considers using includes food concentrates, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, probiotics and other natural substances.  In addition, Dr. Condren can recommend some homeopathic and herbal supplements that he has found to be very helpful in treating certain medical conditions and problems.

All supplement plans that Dr. Condren recommends are tailored to your individual body’s needs.

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